sound | art
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Artistic Statement
bio | eco | art
Cloud Atlas__beta [2023]
untitled interspecies umwelten (2021 – )
P.syringae+ gamification (WIP)
Proximal Spaces (2021)
Terra Et Venti (2019)
Terra et Sonus (2018)
Locative Biomedia (2018)
Umwelt Microbiana (2017 – current)
Nanovibrancy (2011)
Stethoscopic sound (2010)
Sounding body (2010)
Auscultation101 (2010)
Screaming Bones, Vibrating Mass (2009)
data focused works
In Silence (2022)
untitled interspecies umwelten (2021 – )
Variations on Aeolian Dynamics: For Contained Winds (2021)
Aeolian Traces (2017)
Windward || Windword
Those Who Observe the Wind … (2015)
Sombrer: An Imaginary City #lost and #found(2015)
#home (2015)
Aeolus Notification System (2014)
Aeolian Monochord (2014)
sound | space
Memory Machines #1 : Tuning (2024)
The Sound of Clouds and other Sonic Memories (2021-)
void * ambience (2021-)
Post-Immersion | Future Audioscapes
Spatial Measure (2014)
BirdSongDiamond (2014-)
the Man who knew Too Much (2014)
Spatial Experiments #3 (2014)
Soundings (2014)
Shoegaze (2013)
Vestibula (2013)
Wagon (2012)
Routes ||| (2011)
Tuning Forks (2011)
voices beyond this walls (2011)
st// (2009)
fragility (2007)
Ephphatha (2006)
Curatorial Work
Afterglow Exhibition (2025)
student work