a speculative research project that explores the role that synthetic biology may play in planetary-scale geoengineering and weather modification practices in the future. This artwork builds on the tradition of treating the genetic sequences as a computational and mutable database for artistic expression. Presented as a multi-modal installation centered around visualization of Pseudomonas syringae and its ice nucleating ability.
This was presented at
- ISEA Montreal. “Life: A Sensorium” curated by Janine Marchessault and Melanie Wilmink. October 2020 (Virtual).https://sensorium.ampd.yorku.ca/isea-2020/
- Gregg Museum of Art and Design, NCSU. Art’s Work in the Age of Biotechnology. Oct 2019 – March 2020. Curated by Hannah Star Rogers/”https://research.ncsu.edu/ges/arts-work-in-biotech/artwork/Tech Art Fair, Ontario Science Centre. 2019.